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At Trusted Surplus Solutions, we take care of you!

We recognize the overwhelming process you go through

Trusted Surplus Solutions extends a Supplemental Needs Pooled Trust , commonly referred to as a Medicaid Pooled income trust catering to the elderly and disabled individuals. Trusted Surplus Solutions takes pride in the fundamental goal of supporting disabled individuals in preserving their quality of life while continuing to reside in their local neighborhoods. Operating within the legal framework, our trust adheres to the stringent rules and requirements, facilitating the opportunity for more individuals to receive care and assistance, while remaining in the comfort of their homes or at a facility. We are dedicated to diligently, navigating the complexities of income and expense management striving to secure eligibility for Medicaid home care benefits.

Let us take care of you! join the TRUSTED family today!

Our Purpose

Enhancing the quality of life for seniors and individuals with disabilities involves safeguarding their financial eligibility for means tested government benefits. This critical initiative aims to empower them to reside in their homes, flourish within their communities, and save their income.

Charitable Organizations

Obtaining Medicaid Home Care Benefits can be a complex and difficult procedure. Pooled trusts give people with disabilities a way to access vital health benefits while utilizing the excess funds they deposit into the trust to pay for items and services not covered by those benefits.

In accordance with Federal statute, first party pooled trust accounts close upon the death of the beneficiary. As an organization committed to helping the elderly and disabled - with a focus on organizations helping Special Needs, Trusted Surplus Solutions' Pooled Trust and My Special Child Foundation supports non-profits who share that passion. Our support for their efforts is driven by our goal to help make the world a better place for everyone, particularly our most vulnerable. The funds that remain in a third-party pooled trust are distributed according to the wishes outlined by the Donor in the Joinder Agreement.

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Or call us, our phone support is open from 9 to 5.

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Mailing address

P.O BOX 297-050

Brooklyn NY 11229

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*The Pooled Income Trust was established by Congress in 1993 as an exception under the amendments to the Omnibus Budget and Reconciliation Act. It authorizes the use of Supplemental Needs Trusts for the benefit of seniors, or individuals with disabilities of any age.

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